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Best Dragon Transformation Builds! Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

chef5588: Sir Gideon Youwy, the All-Yapping

-ItK: If you have 2 seals and using dragon claw, you can use it with right hand, the left hand, right hand again and so on. So not limited with only two consecative atttacks

BraedanTan: Youwy’s dedication to this game is remarkable and admirable

CaptainVVV: I have an idea to contrast yesterday's video: WORST or most disappointing weapon of every type, and what FromSoft could do to fix them

spongbobsquarepants3922: I can't believe they made pure faith and faith/arcane even better in the DLC. Incant builds are definitely better than sorcery builds now.

fishman432: Goated video goated streamer day I lost count

GxGNoir: using poisoned hand for the dragon communion build is genius

Scowleasy: The death knight set also boosts dragon cult spells and lightning skills by 8%, so it boosts Blinkbolt too

sharksocks8130: I have a rockhard transformation whenever I see Sidney Sweeney

sucinistro: 2 views in 30 seconds, bro is going up on the ranks

magganboi1350: Dragon Priestess a real baddie

Jul 30 2024

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