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Before You Start Elden Ring Try this Build!

user-zy4lh6kd8r: For anyone who killed the dragon, west of the Lenne’s Rise grace there is a summoning metal ball that you can do a circle around and every time it falls of the cliff, it gives you 1952 runes every time you kill it

soap_dagod: Even though I'm around level 230 I couldn't help but watch the entire video xD

KelFad: This is just what I needed to finally get back to Elden Ring, thank you!

zankheal: This is the best ER guide ever created. I am lvl 247 on the DLC. Now I will start a new character and follow this guide!

ragragrec1: I just hit lvl 60 ish with this exact build. This guy is 100% legit, although I would suggest getting a serpent bow as well.

user-zy4lh6kd8r: PLEASE continue this! Works like a charm

danielstek203: I haven’t picked it up in ages so many thanks to you kind sir!

amiralisalehi4146: Can you make a video about how we can get that wolf Armor?

tracyeisensmith2056: Ps if your dumb like me two things

1) put the finger seals in your off hand to actually be able to use flame blade.

2)if you forget to speak to Blaidd twice after the boss battle, you can still get the talisman just after you start Rannis quest!

outspokenjay: This is my first souls game and honestly starting off I was extremely lost in the sauce. Had no clue what to do or where to go but this helped a ton. I followed each step and now the game is a lot more feasible for me. Thank you

Aug 14 2024

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