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ASMR Malenia Embraces You...Find Your Strength, Feel Your Power Elden Ring rp

theadmjg: "There, I have awakened your full potential"

"I don't feel that different."

"It wasn't that much."

schlafsleepsommeilsheep-z2v: The insane production value, from your makeup, to doing the actual review of the lore, amazing roleplay Egi.

DYNOGUY1977: I don't know most of the characters Egilea portrays in her videos, but I love them all and Egilea, she is incredible!!

imarthurmorgan: Haven't seen an Elden Ring rp from you in a while. I loved this! The sith eyes look awesome! Looking incredible as always! Lots of love and hugs for you, Egi!

NyaaPaw44: Malenia is one of my favorite Characters.

So i appreciate a lot this Rp.



Te quedo muy bien!.

radscam: I confess I expected more this time... twenty-two minutes went by very quickly

samuraienggine: the scarlet rot make-up is 10/10!

Malenia is my favorite character out of all Elden Ring. time to relax

Cameron_Gomezcg1999: Egilea's videos twice this week means twice the best. This Elden Ring roleplay of Malenia is pretty good and ultra cool. I'm saving this on my playlist. Sending loads of love to you, my favorite bestie.

santielquiro: Another Elden RIng Roleplay, I dont want anything else

CyriakDio: No way!!!! One of the best cosplay i seen

Jacktheking-js8dl: OK! this is a thing we all need but we didin't know. how Malenia fits Egi so well?!

grimdarkAngel: Malenia is one of my favorite characters in Elden Ring.

Sep 15 2024

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