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Ansbachs Bow is Broken, Literally Elden Ring

zachdanielsgaming: Who's watching this in 2014?
Wesleysnipes87: I appreciate that when you label something broken it actually is.
abyss6722: I believe the sharpshot talisman is not actually about headshots, it's just if you aim down 1st person with the bow
junkszy912: Miyazaki saw the people complaints about bows being bad. So he said fuck it, here, have your damage.
LautrecOfCarim: Oh. It's even sillier Dark Bead.

Guess we've been around long enough for that to make a comeback.


thepoweredgent: I knew my boy Ansbach was cookin' but damn, he kept quiet on this one.
kalakalakalak: It does cost 8 arrows each shot.
Cr33pysku11: As someone who's made mods for Souls games, with the way the bullet param values would have to be set to achieve this behavior, there's no way this is unintentional. The damage value of each individual arrow would have to be set to the full damage that the ash of war does, and then they would've had to add a hit delay to the arrows, so only one of the bullets actually does damage. This is set up in a complex way that had to be deliberate.
TheJackMouse: Okay, yes. That does seem unintentionally powerful. With that said...

Cmon man, I've been having to barrage with status arrows just to be passably viable since release. Us bow boys have been picking at scraps for years. Please, bro, I need this.
emveep2395: didnt know how much i missed your souls content lol. glad to see you back for a while. keep it up man.
OnlyWaifuYT: "Please don't use this against players, it's mean"

ruinmaniac1411: Sorclets can't even let bowchads win for one second smh
got no confidence in from fixing anything properly tbh, their go to way to nerf broken op stuff is to just make it unusable trash and forget it
once they get around to actually patching
like 3 months in or so
bread1958: The Enraged Divine Beast talisman and the two lion head helmets seem to affect shots made with Stormwing Arrows and that can make this weapon have even nastier raw damage.
MarlowPreston: There's lots of stuff in the DLC that's like its from Monster Hunter, but I didn't think I'd see the Kelbie Bow in Elden Ring.
tanez778: You didn't elaborate on status arrows, they must be crazy good with this bow.
The261ride: At this point, it's whatever. The majority of weapons from the dlc are op. Imo, its the final dlc, go wild with everything you can

Jul 04 2024

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