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ALL 28 DLC Incantations Ranked! NO SPOILERS Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Luna.Tenebra: Minor Erdtree is S Tier because I can plant a cute little tree

garchamayne4254: Fromsoft cooked so hard with the visuals on all these incantations, and then forgot to actually make them do anythig

dvdivine1962: These were basically designed for a different game, it irritates me to no end why they keep making such long casting skills and spells and then design some of these bosses.

FromsoftFan: Bayles spells are sooo cool but wish they had lower requirements and weren’t just worse versions of dragon maw and claw :(

GornsZorn99: The Best Part about the new Spells in the DLC is that it gives modders more animation to build actual good Spells

DEVil-po5xz: Almost all these incantations require MASSIVE buffs. Most of them are borderline useless.

gustavl3107: Honestly feels like they forgot to add a zero to the damage on a lot of these spells. Why add a spell like Rain of Fire when spamming Catch Flame will be 100x more effective?

dereksout: Really liked how they gave us all these cool spells to go along with zero windows to use them against these DLC bosses.

Vidaxer: I cannot comprehend what is going through the minds of the balance team at Fromsoft when they design spells for a DLC that is essentially post game content but they make so many of them outclassed by base game spelly

gregthespinarak: I really don’t understand why Fromsoft makes these incredibly cool weapon skills and spells that take a long time to execute and make bosses that don’t have windows of vulnerability nearly long enough to be able to fire any of them off

lizzaroo: The only use I found for Electrocharge is against Abductor Virgins. It pretty much stunlocks them because they're so weak to lightning damage.

ArmyOfVenus: another yap session just dropped

topdeckhelix8450: “These incantations are bad”

Yeah doubt that

“It consumes as much Fp and has the same charge time as Scarlet Aoenia but doesn’t proc rot”

Oh no.

theg4062: Dude Knights Lightning Spear goes insane. The damage and poise damage it does is nuts on my int faith build

OYME13: The first time I cast Minor Erdtree, I thought I had done something wrong. I figured I must have to charge it. Alas no. They should rename the spell to Minor ErdBUSH. Cuz that ain't no tree.

fishman432: Goated video goated streamer day 4

huntermccarthy3995: I was so disappointed with light of miquella. With all the work I put in I expected that to melt bosses

keyamazed1038: Ghostflame Breath exists because ghostflame is cool. It needs no other reason to exist.

suwakomoriya2765: For Midra's, no, actually it's pretty bad for PvP, it's effectively a worse version of Unendurable Frenzy with greater FP cost and madness buildup for yourself. Which is a shame for how cool it looks, like so many of these. Honestly it feels like we just get worse versions for several of them. Rugalea is basically just Greyoll's Roar without the debuffs or damage, Spira is just Honed Bolt with worse tracking, Butterflies is Aeonia but even slower, and so on. It's just... strange? Especially given this is all endgame stuff.

PenultimatePenPen: Something I really appreciate is the focus on no spoilers and pve focused. Feels like usually when I look up ranking people are doing it by pvp or a mix of pvp and pve

alanhuang3042: YES!! Been waiting for this video to drop, can't wait to try some of these in the DLC. Thanks again for all your hard work!

manusan1014: I think its tiring at this point, the fact that there are so many useless things in the game that can be easily tweaked to be at least decent... Also those silly things like every damn magic straight sword scaling with a fkn C in int... And many more stuff of this kind.

lorddank2097: Just spent 28 minutes listening to you say that every incantation is “pretty much useless”

whyamihere3150: Scarlet Butterflies is S tier for me, because it's pink and it's pretty.

biovalve1410: Thank you! As a faith main going through my first dlc playthru its reassuring knowing that im not crazy and that From totally dropped the ball on incantations this time around.

Jun 28 2024

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