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A Katana BREAKS Elden Ring Once Again...

ugandanfilmassociation5949: I feel like you could make Miyazaki erupt if you showed him a video of a Tall white woman walking barefoot through a poison swamp whilst wielding a Katana

titesyl1023: Therapist : ocean of blood doesn’t exist. It can’t hurt you

Ocean of blood :


JayIsBased.: Okina punching the air rn.

BerylLx: The debuff only taking effect WHEN YOU SWING IT is absolutely insane.

kizmo2317: It literally has the perfect two-handed moveset. I run a Dex/Arc build and always try to figure out a way to use the Great Katana with Arcane scaling to get more bleed, but I always come back to Rakshasa.

shadowofdread7018: I love it when people use Rakshasa in Coliseums and they get pissed when I stay out of their absurd range and do hit-and-run attacks. Like you’re using one of the fastest, highest-damage best hyperarmor weapons in the game with some of the best reach, and IM somehow trash for countering it

Perfect-Cherry-Blossom: B A R I L O C H E

Auroche: I can't find anyone talking about it, but "Little Chocolate Bunnies" is in the Top 3 nicknames Roderika has ever given us.

drac109: Curseblade's Cirque is the mystery thingy!!!

1thevm1: Shoutouts to Nuts from Berk for showcasing us the hyperarmor values

CeltiesSin: I know it’s just a silly small thing, but I love the zoom in every time someone takes a deep breath lmao

icewind002: B A R I L O C H E

Sep 02 2024

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