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A BOSS WEAPON With a PROBLEM eldenring gaming eldenringshadowoftheerdtree

Numeronius: How long did fromsoft take to fix the chainsaw glitch? There's your answer.

coellucio4689: Less a Weapon problem, more sadly a netcode Problem

AnosysFrost: I fought against a guy who's spamming it with high latency, it was 5 minutes of pure hell

Ghost_gc: And you were all malding about vyke's war spear. You know why this weapon doesn't have madness buildup? It's because it already hollowed up your skulls

mariana_1913: Idk why but the way Roderika said "Lord of the Malding Fire" was really funny

andyknightwarden9746: Lord of the Malding Fire

MohgTheLordOfBlood: They should have made the ash of war a frenzy one after all you get it from THE LORD OF TGE FRENZY FLAME

whamrslamr5372: Fought a guy who had it, we had a cool anime moment where he leapt up with an ash of war and I leapt up with Messmers Orb.

My face met the floor two seconds later, cool as hell though.

EvaUnit-t2c: Can we 1v1 pls

JT__207: Yea I experienced this once and I was questioning how I got hit with twice in a row when I dodged twice

mushroomy9899: all they gotta do is remove the hitbox on the feet or at least shrink and it would instantly become a thousand times easier to dodge

Oct 28 2024

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