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18 Inchess of Messmer Soldiers Spear Elden Ring

iTandTaR: Venom has competition I see

GiuseppeRC008: Any BOMBA enjoyers here ?

mrhalfsaid1389: I love when things can only be described as "angry * insert nationality * noises"

_profy4442: I don't even care about those weapons or the pvp community. I just watch the vids for her ;- ;

marekmlek626: man, having elden ring baffoonery explained by a hot argentinian man with a ranni voice over is a 10/10 experience

carlosvergara6120: I love the fact that the entire community just agrees that someone with the radahn helmet is called kevin and a blasphemous blade user is called billy

rokva5771: Don't think we've ever heard Ranni so frustrated during invasions. It's kinda refreshing not gonna lie.

elfideorandom994: Honestly i was so happy when i saw this had the treespear heavy attack

basictexts: Watch this because I play elden ring

Astelock87: 20s ago is wild

bradleyschanze: Royal Knights Resolve. It could RESOLVE his night. Insane joke

mesemell: "hehe" after bombá

thebreadman5213: Your content alone made me love this game even more. I love your style of videos

tristanwelke7827: As a heavy weapon enjoyer I've always liked the way great spears feel to use.

Something about this spear i like is that it shares that cheeky and kinda devastating doudle hit charged heavy attack that used to be exclusive to the Tree Spear, but unlike the Tree Spear I can put a custom ash on this thing for more effectiveness.

Side note: it always bugged me that there are weapons like the Tree Spear that upgrade with normal Smithing Stones but cannot have their ash changed at all... Like why not just have them be Somber weapons FROM if they're just going to behave like one anyway? feels like a bizarre choice

alexanderseling2755: precisely yesterday i beat messmer using his own soldiers spear, combined with an impaling an ash of war. good shit

GAMINGDEVlL: Waifu the opening and title are WILD, this video should just be renamed to “how many innuendoes can we make?”

(And also messmer’s soldier spear is one of my favourites because it looks cool)

crackedjabber: Angry Argentinian Noises

spectre4686: "bomba' compilation when?

Markionorman: Does this spear work well with the B O L A S?

brainha5747: today we learned where waifu is from.... you may expect visitors (me and kevin!)

KingFlameHawk: This spear, and the black shield whose name I can't remember, are the only reason I was able to beat Rodahn and his femboy brother bull before the nerf. Great weapon.

DoomVeX: Fun fact: Willem Dafoe is known for his huge package. Why I know that? Idk

Mar 03 2025

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