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10 HIDDEN SECRETS Mechanics You Might STILL Not Know About The Elden Ring DLC Guide

momo-uy6ys: Are we getting a things you missed vid soon

27950288419716: There is actually a 3rd way of killing the Aging Untouchables, Fall damage. Once when I was spotted by 1 I tried running away, and in my panicked running I ran of a cliff. The Untouchable also ran of the cliff while pursuing me and I saw him die as I myself was dying, when I respawned I got his drop.

The method is probably not very useful, but I thought I should point it out.

demontime777: Bruh thank you people always cap off leveling to 150 and it's always some misinformation "you won't be able to play multiplayer if you level up higher" which is blatantly not true

NickCombs: Another reason why some players reported having a tough time with certain dlc bosses is that they used to have legit unfair start positions in their arenas. Before this was patched, Gaius and the golden hippo would effectively spawn camp players right at the fog wall.

YairGatt: Sucks to hear about the things you missed series. For me (and I think for most of your Elden Ring followers) it is the main reason I came to love your channel and the main reason I am following it. I hope that you will end up continuing it soon even if the views are still not coming around

ComandanteBry: When is the next Things You Missed video coming out?

tobyakers2936: Just echoing the sentiments of those looking for your things you missed series. You may be overlooking as you pointed out only about 20% of the ppl who played elden ring have played the DLC, so I would expect your views to be about 20% of what your elden ring views were. Not sure if your in that ballpark. We would like you to return to those. (personally a video on npc questlines and how not to screw them up would be good for me. I'm going through and trying to make sure I don't accidently break Mikala's rune, and your videos have been helpful there.

shiroamakusa8075: One thing that so far nobody seems to have catched is that you can skip fighting one of the Ulcerated Tree Spirits in the Church District. Spawn at the eastern entrance, traverse the area, flush all the water, then teleport back to the entrance grace. The one UTS that spawns when you jump over to the cathedral rooftop will spawn above a bottomless pit and die, giving you its pickup.

1uk3isd3ad: Things You Missed are the only reason I’m subscribed.

x13lood12ainx: Please don’t give up on the “Things You Missed” series. I’ve been waiting to watch them until they’re all out, and I’m on my 6th build running through the DLC. There’s still no doubt in my mind that you’ll manage to point out something I’ve overlooked.

PunxsutawneyDave: I'm saddened to hear Dom won't be finishing his things you missed vids. I've been using them to make sure I don't...miss anything. OMG will I have to start using ign guides?

griffinsthunder: Blame the below average views on YouTube. I'm subscribed and have the notification Bell turned on and I am getting almost no notification when you post a video

NickCombs: The DLC is still harder on NG runs, just to be clear. That's in addition to the DLC mechanic. I can see how someone would conflate leveling up with going through extra NGs.

Aug 22 2024

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