AxeofuryGaming: I'm not sure if this is known but on the Barbarian using Whirlwind to cast Dust Devils. If you use the Ancestral Echoes aspect with the new Arreat's Bearing pants, The echo will cast Dust Devils at the higher Dust Devil damage from the pants on its own. Not sure if this changes anything about the build but it seems kinda sick.
amanvellamang1342: damn barb bait. XP
Warfalcon: Minion builds are so gay though. You basically just sit around and the game plays itself. Get good minion players! ;)
ozer4964: can this build go pit tier 100?
masakoakashittv: U need rarest impossible rng stats , equipment like every best build on past season ? Or is Moro accessible now ?
08Sindri: Vega looks like a discount Jeremy Renner
ibuairweinberger: is there something we could swap out for corpse tendrils? or does the build not work without it?
user-wr4xo9ll3k: new level of content, if ur class isnt doing the most damage you start recording your buddies character and posting it to youtube lol
Seafighter2010: LVL 20 Duriel Poggers
May 18 2024