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PIT 141 UNLOCKED! Necromancer Crazy Golem Meta Tier 139 Season 4 Diablo 4

calvingoh9321: Pay to win. No way he farmed those perfect gear.

DontEatCream: that amulet and chest is more beautiful than my wife and kids combined

youtube_is_my_tv1898: that guys gear is stupid good. He must be trading for it. No amount of farming gets you that many triples.

Botlarrytk: To summarize this season. Todays top pit push build. Trillions billiins damage!!! D3 here we go.

j.d.3890: Can say only one thing for sure.

If character with that kind of gear can only clear 141 with Holy Bolt abuse, there is definetly something wrong with Pits scaling / Pit bosses balance in the game.

KGUYDOG: I hope they never nerf the Holy Bolt Elixir.

Seeing comment sections cry fills me with joy.

GrenzwacheNici: Oh no i change to this build and now all sucks, i need the older Version from your paragonboard, where can i find?

KatCat18: Zzzzz holy bug elixir

15ag34: Referencing the number at the end with the other 12billion on screen, it seems the damage number is actually 173 trillion.

bradstewart7234: This build shows 2 ultimates at the same time. How is that possible? @Rob2628

May 27 2024

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