Hjortur95: worst part about lightning shamans is you don't actually know what killing you
sneaky5141: have you ever had one of those invisible werewolves jump through you with the fire trail without having currently active 80% max fire res
AlexandraSpeaks: Lightning shamans kill me more often than any duriel has
cycleproduction3527: Lightning pillars are also way too strong.
Kiripompone: Hate the lightning shamans but I really hate how they buffed “damage resistance” monsters, now even a trash monster with that affix in t60 pit takes a while to kill. And of course still hating the poison damage and waiting for Blizzard to fix it. Doesn’t make any sense to cap the resistance if a trash monster drains your whole life with poison and you have to use 4-5 potions to avoiding death.
bmdovah1adams: Feels like rakanishu from d2 xD
NikhilGupta-lf4yu: Biggest problem is surviving some of the affex just one shot you it's so frustrating
SuhandiWijaya: Uber Boss is kind of scary too, I got one shot with 68k hp, armor capped, and res-capped speed running at pit 50. Who dungeon my HP barely moved, but the last boss spawned Elias one shotted me, FML...
I_stackzz: You need to talk about that outlaw shooter pit boss ANNOYING
Tiwaz41: Cmon... those guys with spider on theirs back are worst, couple of them exploding at one can be deadly... but learned to kill and run away fast xd second for me is Blood Bishop, hate this guy
woogaloo: Lightning shamans are just last seasons laser bees (the constructs). That's crazy because you don't even know what's killing you until it's too late.
May 22 2024