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Diablo 4 Season 4 Live Stream Dev Update Recap

Baron_von_Trout: I'm happier with the loot changes than I ever could be with any season theme

beardman2161: Hope you all have a great week

doctor12567: I played roughly 5 hours of season 3 and put it down, after playing countless hours on season 2 with multiple characters. I swore I would not pick the game up again until they did a huge revamp like this. Didn’t play the PTR, but from what I’ve seen I think D4 might be saved. I can’t wait until May 14!!

Jdiroe: I feel that everyone that experienced the PTR were disappointed with the campfire because they were expecting more than they got from the PTR. However those expectations were self serving and that lead to the disappointment. Other than that the game is in a way better place than it’s ever been and is only going to get better. I personally just wish there was a seasonal theme that was more than a H’s gift/lunar festival reborn vibe. Overall though I’m excited for season 4: Loot reborn

bryand1110: I have been watching a few D4 streamers for feedback and summarization of changes since pre-release. You have been and still are the best - both in information provided and simple yet interesting presentation style. Keep up the good work, my man.

forwardgaming1151: I think Iron Wolves will play a major roll in expansion they are setting it up now.

vyktorzhuravlev8304: Increasing the quality of the gamble NPC aslo increaseth the value of the open World.

jpbaiano1: This is better to watch than the official event! Tnx

Superhuff20: As always, a great recap! Thanks for the information, this will be much better for us who can't play 12 hours a day!

alexanderc3467: man i cannot wait for the 14th

Johnnybsknees: I'm almost as stoked as I was for the initial game release.

May 07 2024

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