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Diablo 4 Pit 1 Shots Are AWFUL Reward Buffs Pit Problems Season 4 Endgame NEEDS Changes!

TaniaRavenYT: I hate one shot mechanics

michaelolsson5193: 1 shot mechanics should be removed. Another thing I don't like. When you die at the boss, you don't always spawn back at the boss. Most of the times I spawn in the second area and have to run back to the portal. I've even spawned back in the first area and have to run through both areas to get back.

NoobMasterSSS: They need to remove the 1 shot mechanics!!! Too much shit going on you don’t even know when you’re going to get hit, and then you die! Feel cheap and lazy.

Semirotta: They should allow us to continue the Pit bosses at the health they were when you die at them.

jorgiewtf: My biggest issue is the “roll” mechanic and not knowing what aspect your gear would get, specially after grinding for it for days sometimes.

maus6199: the only way I'm ok with 1 shots is when I have a way to a oid it like a dodge or parry mechanic, but being 1 shotted out of nowhere even after building high resistance is annoying af

ilmstreams: Another major problem in The Pit is the "you can't move or attack after using evade" bug that seems to CONSTANTLY pop up for me. It's worse when using aspect of Metamorphosis, but it also happens without that Aspect. This has been a bug since LAST SUMMER WHEN THE GAME LAUNCHED. UGH.

petermarasco1105: Temper bricking and Masterworking mat cost ruined Season 4 for me. Big L IMO

BMLEATHER: FACTS. End game needs some major improvement. If trends continue season 6 is going to be some really fun times. Assuming they continue to listen to the community and make this game better and better.

UnsungRonin: I’d just like to see more greater affixes drop from pit maybe increases the farther you go or at certain milestones

bigdogang: Thank you more saying about the re-cost for masterwork is way to expensive!! 5ill is ridiculous

May 27 2024

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