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Diablo 4 New Best Highest Damage Build For ALL Classes Class Ranking After 1 Week in Season 4!

antonriddoch8: Its not the lack of druid footage its the lack of druids

matisto24: the best build is obvious the elexir of holy bolts

Smashingg: I highly recommend you guys to play dust devil barb on maxroll. Most fun build this season so far imho. It has nice slams and earthquakes, the speed of rogue, the tornados from druid and the clearing and flying speed from sorcerer. It only lacks minions lol.

AustoLaVista: Might be a dumb question but since I just hit lvl100 with my Necro minions and not really into pushing super hard with the pit etc if I create a new character do I gotta start all over with the aspects and recipes or will all that stay?

marcux83: chapters?!

KnightmareTX: I got a Necro at 100 with a minion build. Making a Barb and I'm gonna go Thorns Barb to try it out. I'm really excited to see if it will work or not

zanus5: Has.. nobody been keeping up on the thorns barb?… massive damage scaling with massive health..

katanaridingremy: Cool video, would have liked links to the builds though

nickkozinski4519: Word of advice. IF you make a build video PUT THE BUILD IN THE DESCRIPTION

VK-el3of: The sorc gets one shot by anything and everything in high tiers and is supoose to be a straight dps but gets out dps by every other class. Thr barb gets so much love it's ridiculous.

May 26 2024

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