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Diablo 4 Last Patch Broke Things... ?!

danialariff7731: Someone commented now its a Stormtrooper Rogue. So legit. HAHAHAHAHA
N8_Mitchinson: Needs to be renamed "Pissing after sex" build.
andreasfriess8091: Rapid Fire Build is now drunken Rouge Build
lekwaisong7358: In the grand scheme of things I like your haircut this time around and so on and so forth.
LuckyLuciano6: One Shot Rogue -> Too Many Shots Rogue
andy9565: Unlucky luciano still kills me. Hilarious lmao
flowqi212: Some people claim that they get one shotted a lot more often by random mobs in the Pit now. Any thoughts on that?
Xenc5: Incenses expire on death after patch
Khetzal-NLG: Rapid fire looks like me peeing in the morning :D
moksi9094: also idk if this was pre s4 launch, but feels like we're regressing with the invisible walls all over the place
stangalucian331: I got frustrated with rapid fire.. the explosions were a nice addition but i found it very hard to hit enemies right in front of me. The arrows just landed behind them

May 30 2024

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