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Diablo 4 Developer Interview With Adam Jackson and Joe Piepiora

pandowdy9947: That’s one heavy duty roll of man tissue beside the bed.

andyxprophet: Thanks to Joe and Adam for taking time for this interview! Very informative!

lukasgaming82: That Adam Jackson guy - I like him.

akumaseijin8883: This was a really great interview, Rax. One problem with the internet is people feel emboldened by anonymity and get extra nasty sometimes. But putting a face to the conversation and really going indepth about the process and why things can or can't happen should hopefully quell the noise. I have high hopes for them and I feel like they are really trying to build the game with us as a community the best they can.

BayonneJoe35: I appreciate Adam and Joe's effort to connect with the community.

tannerpickle: I definitely don't agree with every decision Blizzard makes when it comes to game design, but I really appreciate these guys trying to be upfront about how difficult it can be to find balance. I do like these devs

emixxxen: No questions regarding the wall mounted paper roll at the bed?

einsteinstream1585: Appreciation comment for D4 devs! We all want the same thing, a good D4 game. Community and devs together will always be the right way of achieving that. Thank you guys!

Also, thanks raxx for the usual excelent work!

ludgerkresnik3972: Holy shit, Adam is awesome! I love how he says what some/most devs don't want to say: "We know better how our game works, so thats why shit is not happening right now, even it is cool." or "No, we don't want that for our game, have you seen the playtesters?" regarding to the skills.

Just a fresh air from all the "cool feedback, we will see what we can do"

trebilicious: Great interview. My only disappointment is the answer they gave about not wanting to drastically rework the skill tree. Just because their internal data shows that casual players pick bad passive "trap" skills doesn't mean the current skill tree offers adequate choices. Having only two options to modify key skills isn't enjoyable, particularly when one upgrade consistently outshines the other. There should be more diverse ways to augment each skill. Even Diablo III's skill rune system provided more meaningful choices.

justinbarton2278: Man i love this interview because you got them to not use cookie cutter corporate answers

GrimmierClips: Loved that Adam just gave the info to us straight. I particularly liked Adam's honesty about how him and his team make decisions.

JFiez27: The thing that was glossed over was the fact that a 150 pit is a AOZ25. We don’t even got the glyth this time. Y’all wanted a measuring stick. You got one lmao.

rajendra82a: Rax did much better than Rhykker in my opinion. The questions were much more detailed and focused. I like this guided interview process much better than the open ended approach Rhykker took. I hope DM does it more like Raxx too.

MacroBioBoi: Great job Raxx

sgtturtle333: damn, the skill tree section. we arent asking for poe/LE amount but 2 options per skills isnt enough

pultulf2462: Raxx you did well with the questions and we appreciate your efforts. One hour was just not enough.

ErikByrwa: Great interview. Appreciate both the questions and answers. Would love to see one or two of these each seasons. Thanks Joe and Adam for taking the time to talk to the community.

nikroth: Thank you for the interview !!! So so so so COOL !!

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