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Diablo 4 Best Ways to Farm Gold Season 4

Zanderb20: They need to get rid of needing to go back to the whisper tree every 10 points. Really kills the momentum

Dumbmelee: Another spending tip is to always temper items before enchanting so you don't spend lots of gold on something that gets bricked when tempering.

phatymcdaddy: Theres many simple ways blizz can fix this. Add a gold reward to the end of NM dungeons and the pit. They can make NM dungeons count towards the turn in requirement. They can reduce the cost of masterworking. All easy solutions. But most of all, i would like them to make the whisper progress bar turn into a port to the tree when filled.

Chris.Fate.: Did you guys see the gold price for upgrading your goddamn potion?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Just that shit alone costs a fortune.....

disposableheero: I gave this feedback during the PTR, but in S2 and S3, gold income was not a problem, because the seasonal objectives had hourly resetting whispers worth 2, 3, and 5 favors each that took only a couple of minutes to complete and you were strongly incentivized to grind them to level up your seasonal powers. The Iron Wolves season theme being centered around helltides replaced them with the helltide whispers which aren't as rewarding (and don't really need to be as helltides reward you in plenty of other ways). Improving the whisper rewards to 5 for the harvest, 10 for dungeons, and 2-3 for the minor whispers I think would alleviate this pretty effectively. That or they could add more substantial gold rewards to other activities like killing world bosses, legion events, nightmare dungeons, or running the pit.

drbadtouch8690: I masterworked my hp potion for 7M.

forg0tten: Pick and sell your yellows as well as selling all legendary items that aren't a codex upgrade.

It makes a massive difference.

doakesanddrax: Between gold grind and lack of prisms. Its very tedious

Dingleburyy: IMO gold cost will kill player base that returned for season 4. It's feels bad man. Feels real bad.

meow_rtx4080: Whispers bugged

Bruno-lr9lm: I expect this to be fixed sometime during the season, the cry out against the gold cost is everywhere from everyone.

andy9565: Won't redo my masterwork. Thought the pit grind might be tedious, but turns out gold farm is really the issue

chrisbenson98: Gold find nightmare dungeons help as well, it’s not a lot but it does help.

May 23 2024

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