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Diablo 4 - What's The Best Class For Season 4?

Mr_Tracy_Cox: I'm going to play paladin this season

FabioKastro: I hope this brings the fun back, more playing, less gear comparison

Darknyte82: I like your approach of showing how every class has a great build to enjoy. I'm looking forward to werenado druid too.

PastaNoose: Going with necro

thisishowthetruthdies684: I'm going to play Rogue until I find out that was a terrible decision. At which point I will go to Frozen Orb Sorc and pretend that I didn't read anything about it being nerfed. If all else fails I will move on to Druid even though it requires the most time to get up and running properly and the only thing probably stopping me from doing this is I can't bear (pun intended) the thought of running Duriel or any of the old bosses again. To be honest, probably just quit after two weeks unless they upgrade the shop to include bra and pantie armor.

Lonewanderer30: The mythical Razorplate, that I never managed to get.....I was buried with Rage of whatever's....

hailburngw2824: easy, minion necro. not even a debate

SheeeeeshClips: Druid gonna go crazy late game I think. Big ol tanky wolf boy

SkxnnyGamingOnYT: U seem so much more upbeat Darth great too see that you’re excited for this season! Cant wait to see the content!

danaolsongaming: Haven't played a Sorc since season 0, so I almost feel obligated to play a Sorc for Season 4. Pretty excited to see what it can do.

May 13 2024

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