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Diablo 4 - New Best Necromancer Leveling Build - Season 4 FAST 1 to 70 - Skill Tempering Gear Guide!

nelsonpereira2540: Sorcerer next please

sephirian688: This is just personal preference for me, if you don’t want to be a “wham and wait” playstyle put frenzied dead on your 2h and unyielding on your amulet.

You will still have a nice bit of burst for bossing but your damage will be more consistent. Your damage ceiling will be a little lower but your damage floor will be significantly higher. They also capped Cult leader so it honestly may not be worth running unyielding at all with a few good minion aspd rolls in the latter stages of your build.

bigfriendlyginger4878: I played a necromancer in season 1 and then started looking into other classes afterwards... might just have to return to the Lord of Bones for season 4

nickrobinson2451: Im really hoping this is giving me a real reason to get back into the game. Missed playing Necromancer

AJgames6991: so what is S4 about? just loot?

peakraccoon7581: When does season 4 release trying to get back into Diablo

l90316: I heard it’s nerfed already.

jrey800: if it's not a new broken build it's a new best build... come on guy! Not everything is the best or broken, things can be good you know... or even really good, like "a new really good necro-blah blah blah"

Fanatiqual: nice breakdown, can't wait for the season to start, cheers!

chrishuard9591: Great guide, thanks very much

May 11 2024

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