JonCoulter-gf9sb: If only we could use two accessories at once. The power of Shazam accessory would go really well with the new sparking regalia.
obiwanshinobi87: This event saved me ALOT of money.... I was buying capsules to get the wings.. or to get enough to just buy them from booster gold... Now I have the glitter one and with the right colours you barely notice the glitter so... I'm happy.. Only wish I knew this before spending too much money on capsules but still.. I had one flying character that NEEDED those wings
felicelupin: Vendor update has arrived! Oh joy!
Geoforcee100: The zamaran duo and alert ve giving 3 and 6 hearts currency. M it's omnibus no need to reset
sebastienboucher4387: just got wet paint chroma really nice on my toon
Raven078: I have been waiting YEARS for this!! Happy Dance!!
daltongodbey-k9f: Keep doing what you're doing multi love your videos and streams
raskult: Ah multiverse a quantum troll like me. Feels good to be the same power as the greatest
ytking2585G: Discount on replays with No vault is diabolical
kengchoonwong2923: Hi Multiverse, thanks for the video. Could you do a video on the OP Face mask, detailing how many Spiritual Imprints and catalysts are needed for each rank, and the total amount of material required for levelling it to max rank? Thanks!
ytking2585G: Multi
obiwanshinobi87: Is it just me or are there way more people on pc than concolse... I never see anyone in front of the police stations anymore
OsmarBRcollector2: Did they remove the Mera's quest on Gotham? Couldn't find her with my new toon from event...
DARKJOKER530: Whats that power you are using that haves 000
Remixtoremixx: Multiverse what mission gives us the most hearts? For the event
youngnewfye3579: Hey multi what aura are you using
BlondedSiren: When does the event end ?
dnation2085: First!
Silkys-a-clown: Not a fan of these PvP events. Last Halloween event i couldn't win once and ended up missing out
Feb 13 2025