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DCUO New DLC Day of Reckoning

phillipjohnson100: Damn I’m tired of the episode augments

scrolls9375: LONG LIVE DCUO LFG

coolbatYT: Kinda hyped ngl

bobhowell9377: im excited to see where this Dev team is taking DCUO. Looks like its going in a good direction.

ThatGirlFromAU: Thank you for the information GentlemanMulti

JonCoulter-gf9sb: That one pic made me think if only there was a wrath demon visage arm and leg style.

Shadow497: So, a large episodes with new features that haven't been tested. Hope it isn't too bugged

kaksihe1745: Thanks for the update multiverse

MrMack49: Its pretty much the end of DCUO y'all just don't know that this episode is a clue

troylawson1902: Thank you buddy for the update

juniort4207: Thanks for the update

claudiabcarvalho: Oh, I'm so happy that they listened to my critique of the Story Mode name! I posted that is kinda bastardizes the concept of story, because difficulty and mechanics play a part in storytelling in videogames, and killing Perpetua with 1 shot won't make you appreciate more the story, because the game doesn't work like Tomb Raider or God of War. Casual Mode is a perfect fit.

300Gameplays: Yooo very very good video all i wanted to see thanks alot mv

stiles5621: Nice yeah already tought about a black lantern boss maybe, still exited about it cant wait to play it and it seems to be more long term farming wich is nice

richardoden9098: Hi Multiverse. Any idea what the or if there’s a new op piece? Thanks for all videos. The community greatly appreciates your dedication.

HiHi-yk1mv: Only will make the game come back if it’s a new power.

BatmanWorldfan2moore-yu7lv: Hey multi verse

TuffLuckBro: So sad to see how this game has fallen since beta. Prayer for the people coping on this still

cvfd7212: So no more test server? Or did I just not hear about anyone testing this content?

kalladerexperimentx983: Are they going for more adult stuff I mean story start with multiple murder etc.

felicelupin: What a coincidence, a lot of game systems is going for farming. A lot of time for the gamers to see all those loot boxes and marketplace.

You'll need a lot of inventory space for all these farming materials, what could help you? Ah yes subscriptions and inventory space on the marketplace.

LakerEric: What's the new max CR? any word yet? Will bosses be worth renown? how much?

antonioedsonr.5246: Eles deveriam adicionar no game um sitema de mudança de facçaao por exemplo : Mudar de vilao para heroi e vice versa!!

scrolls9375: The only problem I face in dcuo is the lag other than that the game is awesome

BOOYAHSHAKA: And so it begins lol

Uhm questiin multi sp..elite gear we have to run elite content to get it now roght? No longer at vendor? If im correct

Episode looks kool tho cant wait to play

Cybertron1256: Finally it’s gonna be more like base Gotham and metropolis, all the other dlc had op enemies

Jan 28 2025

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