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DCUO Episode 48 Status

BSJINTHEHOUSE420: We’re witnessing the 5 Stages of Grief with this episode. The anniversary event will be a “Thank you” letter with them announcing a shutdown. This was the starting point.
ZeeDahktah: The currency being sold is a death roll. This is sooo done. Soon.
williamcarder1975: This game is in its final days and I think the community knows it.
kryptonianpatriot4637: I would've rather they just waited to release this episode until all the test issues were fixed. Dropping this content with this many issues is demoralizing. I don't even want to play this content after being denied the new OP belt today. I'm struggling to even justify turning DCUO back on in the foreseeable future. After a decade, I might actually be finished with this game.
Bofantis338: Daybreak wants to kill the game at this point.
staytruog: The character advances should come with every sp from missions from 2011-2020
blackjoker250: To keep it honest fans and supporters aren't getting what we are asking for and there is so much room for improvement
brucebanner6147: This game lost its allure and engagement when TC's entered the formula. The only thing that keeps me coming back is the combat is 2nd to none and the flexibility of creating your character is still pretty good. I gave up being pissed and chasing SP's and it's made the game that much enjoyable. I've kept my expectations low and it's paid off.

Blood Will Run for life. ~ Niqrot
DojhromTRW: they should roll this back to test and put this after Halloween events
notanotherswordreviewchann4901: And mister miracle is bugged. Can't get the belt ...this is total garbage. Fuck dcuo. Fuck eg7
nephyr6292: Starting to lose hope on this game
amusedjester: "purposely designed to extend" that pretty much sums it up. If you don't have a lot of stuff to do and play, design the thing to make it longer to play and finish. Thanks for the quick summation.
ddddavyy8383: This episode is an absolute joke. It's a mess. The quests are all over the place, like they decided to just drop the NPCs in random spots and call it a day. The second gear set is completely re-used from Episode 47. The omnipotent gear piece isn't even available and is currently bugged. The voice acting sucks. The animations are terrible. And the big elephant in the room...they added the ability to purchase episode currency for $'s clear they didn't care for this episode and rushed it out as quickly as possible to milk as much money as possible. They're not responding and they even blocked me on twitter for calling them out for this shit. The open world missions are just so grindy and slow as fuck and you have to fly all over the place it's such a mess...this is beyond a joke. They've shown their true colours with this episode
gond9166: R.I.P. DCUO
Murza_X: We need to protest DCUO until our demands are met….NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!
KenshinSXS: Your caught in a tough place Obsidian and I understand where your coming from. Especially since your channel is heavily centered around DCUO. I've followed you since you started making youtube videos and it's made me an elite player so thank you for that. This was the final straw for me and i've been playing since 2011. I'm no longer going to play a game that seems to want to "take away" granted things and sell it back to me while also alienate me from playing the game. I'll miss my characters but i'm breaking the chain it's had around me for over a decade. And with the way things are looking everyone's gonna be "forced" out the door anyway.
IconicSimulation: I feel the artifact was held back because of the combo issue.
Dcuorundown: If you buy those episodes marks out the marketplace you are crazy as hell
solomonterrell3051: This shit is so sad to see bro. This game could've been so much more...

I also wanted Josh Strife Hayes to cover this shit to maybe give it some more oxygen but holy phuck the game might die before he gets to!
claudiabcarvalho: Also, based on what you're saying, it feels like there's less people working on DCU now. Because it wouldn't make any sense for them to just ignore those things. Like a "we won't hire new people to fix it faster, but we refuse to delay the release" type of situation.

Sep 28 2024

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