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DCUO Downtime Tomorrow

Marco-gg1nr: good thing i have a snow day tomorrow from school

LordSkywalker66: Any idea when Valentine’s Day event is coming?

onelohan: Definitely good news. The fact that they identified an issue and are already on to sorting it out.

gabeystanlee1646: Bruh theres been a downtime like everyday in DCUO it feels like

knightrcer: I completely forgot about the event. I kept clicking the update button furiously like a madman waiting log in lol.

jeromefairclough6534: Annoying because I made a new moon knight character on the 4th and used all my replay badges for it for the ultimate recruitment for it to get delayed

ThatGirlFromAU: Glad the issues were fixed

Steve-zx9ml: Thank you for the update Multi ,

juniort4207: Kinda bad news but not

nativespiritz: Nice

adgtheone: Wth? When's the Valentine's Event starting? Who the hell is excited to make a level one character and play through that boring-ass base campaign? Seriously.

b.y.o.p.9035: Oops. I'm late, but logged in to see the event announcement. Thanks for the video. Happy Recruitment to those making new characters.

Crea_TV: Funny I was about to delete a character, which I probably still might...Ice was boring I miss the old fx for that power.

Gonna make a elec toon and although I dislike magic on principle.

Maybe a wizard, the new capsule gear looks good for once.

nicholasm7092: Does the free character slot disappear ehen this event ends?

charleshaynes1199: So after that will i get a free character slot or on the free account or do they still want you to get legendary to get it. So far I've not gotten it

nephyr6292: "bad news..bad news" Hahahah that was funny cause its not rly bad news

dostrendmurdoc2775: Is the test server back?

ZeeDahktah: Oh nooooos

Feb 08 2025

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