Virgiliusz: No way this game is still going on
michaelloiselle7430: Man I played this game for 70 hrs in 3 days like 10 years ago. Wild
Henry-kz4gn: The once a decade we are still alive check in
valhallatv6889: This game is still running? I played it back on the PS3!
cooler575: still the same? you guys should upgrade the whole thing.
willjohnboy: Remember when this was ps3 exclusive
Simonnesse14: we need a graphics rebuild
dakiome: can we get a quality update?
R0n1n760: I remember playing this on the PS3 with a character I made named and made to look like Magneto
mad636man: Powerful narrative…. Uh oh.
supersonicsaint3702: Maybe a large scale game update? Cross play?
Pointman11111: Marvel needs a game like this
jaygeter8255: Whatever DCUO is doing, other companies need to take note.
eliteghost1001: This game needs a remaster remake with realistic graphics or injustice 2 graphics
marciodomingosfilho3483: Dc Universe in 2025? No, Sorry.
BSJINTHEHOUSE420: This game will outlive all of us.
knavion: The blue ring at the end mentioning Hope... I hope it's not just a coincidence announcing this new episode
lfdrumming7804: Add new powers and movements it’s been like a decade
HattoriStudios: Let me remake this game in unreal engine 5.5
erickchacon8835: No powers no comeback
ItaChu787pr: How that game is still going is beyond me
dealznfilmz7069: Dear developers I don't want new powers but I definitely want you guys to add more fire powers I have been fire for 14 years it's about time we learned something new....
goten99100: I want to bash this game for not upgrading the game after all these years, but then i remind myself about FFX11 and runescape. It just isn't for us who wants a better game for DCUO that played it a decade ago. Glad they're able to still push out content.
AJDraws: This game needs a REMAKE or a SEQUEL. Or at the very least a COMPLETE GRAPHICAL OVERHAUL. The graphics are far too old looking to get anyone excited and it doesn't matter how cool the art design may look in pre-production, after the execution it looks like a character model or environmental locations from a time when half the world didn't exist yet.
josevaldezkamenridergeek: wow that game still alive after i left that game for long time………
RoctivGaming: They need new powers and better graphics
Jan 23 2025