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ZERO TO HIGHROLLER WIZARD New Buffs! Dark and Darker Gameplay

beepboopbeepboopbeepboopbeep: You know it's live commentary when Red goes "AUGHEUOEU!" on a white spellbook

Naydude1: Guess they didn't see your wizard videos before buffing wizard :P You make the class look OP

DozeeqProductions: Being able to reach 70% casting speed in squire lobbies is nuts. Love your videos!

SausDodi: These videos are an instant click for me, absolutely zero hesitation

astorknight1797: Love the vid dude, hearing osrs music in the background made me laugh

tacticalspork3347: Btw on the last kill you had there was an enchanted dark fabric which is worth like ~320 on the market so it might have been worth to drop some heals for it. Dk if you were on time crunch tho

blahmah3261: This patch is actually so nice though

i love the healing changes

bubbymercer8659: They should make a goblin king boss like in the hobbit

jammovibratiny7215: Prayers have been answered

Lugia-: Bro found a Spellbook not 20mins into the video! Wow!

davidbfreeman108: My goat

Aug 05 2024

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