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This One Ranger Skill Made Me RICH Dark and Darker

theborg6024: dying after that spear block at the end was such a tragedy lol

ALOPEZZZZZZ14: I miss the outro music playing before he dies, gives that sweet foreshadowing

C0rruptedSpY: original comment about views

crueltsunami5593: Who let this mop with glasses play DaD and why is he kinda popping off?

dripgravy1642: Lucky uncle gravy and y4mi with another generational come up

MattyJETS-y8i: who is that cute spreadshot nerd in the bottom left?

itstimecoffe563: Damnnn boi

Mini_Buju: 4 lad ?? HAHAHAH

GinLxrd: W

duckfamian: w

hsqqq: Yummy

connorsaari8364: 14 minutes in and no views, but 6 comments?

bro fell off.

KizaruCracked: y4mi the hottest dnd streamer

dacubancrew: the doublet does suck but i mean buff duration is for the lad and the will pants, will adds to the buff duration.. but when i run lad i am not building will just buff duration on everything lol..

Awwdidyoucry: Yami the only person who could out do a noob when it comes to looting. Those Lmnop glasses ain’t working right

itsNotTimmy: The one ranger skill that made you rich is actually hitting your shots

ReligiousZealot: Why are u using spear of rot, just use a cheap unique

probcm6114: That skill needs to be nerfed or removed it’s so bull shit it needs some scaling down just like magic middle there no reason a wizard should be able to just turn and hit the brrrr and delete almost any melee class

Llamabong: sobad got banned?

TenorLovey: L

Feb 26 2025

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