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This Most Broken Build Have Absolutely No Counters Dark and Darker

lintonl1176: Imagine just casually mining or killing mobs then you hear "gg brother"

monsieurhandsome5018: i watched you go against FireBox today on his stream, and it was the funniest thing ever. As always, thank you for the wideo Dimo :]

level10timmy was Firebox haha

thedankcloud840: that druid fight exsentuates pretty much everything i dislike about druid

ThisOffendsMeTV: I’m brand new to this game (level 33) went with Cleric based on…well…it seemed like a solid class. Seeing your gear makes me feel like I’m straight up not playing the game well lmao

Youtuberh8r: they probably bought the rare tier since there was a secret patch of the gear score levels, you can use a decent amount of blue gear in sub 125 GS lobbies

Drathrin: lmfao i was the juicy fighter you monster, was my first game of the day, was hoping to just warm up real quick. Saw your name and was like, man i sure hope i can avoid him, literally ran into you next. I have the same name on Discord and my fighters name is the same in game, i dont need gear back but if you wanted to give em back i wouldnt say no either lmao.

XennaShieldOP-pu6le: Mika Fisted Yulien

2010thurley: Day 45- Play Wizard!

Woobieeee: Thank you for the wideo.

asKiFTW: Clerics gear is expensive because ppl abuse that shit

Jul 08 2024

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