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This is My Room, Buddy Dark and Darker

DukeJohnny: Didn't knock, got knocked out - seems fair.

NiximOno: got obliterated

corxiiifelinike2643: 1v2.5 and won with just a scratch.

halftimex25: Glad to know after hundreds of hours the ai is still annoying and gets a hit in.

demirhanm3387: Tis but a scratch

billistic4199: its room time my doods

Henrique-zy2zz: Absolute menace

rexsthegamingdragon8908: Yo! It's me the derg again finding your video :b I bring a another question from beyond.

I can understand there are weapon types. However! Is there weapon Variant. Like the one your using for example. Said claymore.

But is there a Zwhandler/flameberg. And other variants

Or is it purely based off Rarity with the addition of Is modifiers

Like oh your common claymore has nothing on but base Stats, then rare with 1 or 2 stats like (bonus dmg to undead, or Consumes less stamina

Jul 20 2024

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