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This Class Does TOO Much Damage in Dark and Darker

Blazed099: Red is a beast at wiz

gaymond8354: Wizard 100% did not need a buff

jonathanleclerc2788: Yami we watch you often my 9 year old is a HUGEEEE fan of you. He would go crazy if you could just add him or notice him in a video or anything. We watch your videos before bed lmao

DogInATaco: Can't wait for the Wiz nerfs this weekend

UrSisterIsMine: new vid title "dying and spectating red cooking"

malec8517: "But then you don't see the Sun."

"What's that?"

Golden DaD interaction right there.

Doomsons: disliked vid for killing the poor red lizard for no reason

averyyeen: are you even a real gamer if you dont go to bed when the sun comes up?

derppupper9714: also does red have a channel if so can you like it

dabo_360: Y4mi whats your sensitivity and dpi

siezx1: Yea thats mad op, anyways nerf rogue

Aug 11 2024

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