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This 47 Resourcefulness Build Makes Traps Broken 0.78 Second Placement Dark And Darker

Euthafro: Bro is installing the traps directly onto their feet

JarPapa: This is the most creative and toxic shit I've seen, I can't wait to try it myself

TheFloorTank: I like how the traps stunlock everyone as they look at their legs and think "THAT FAST?!"

birch3771: i was the barb in the intro and i actually got so confused cuz i looked for traps and was confident in pushing but then a trap appears in 0.5 seconds

TankNot: Atleast he didn't put me in the video

econtadini: come on man, if you are not going to loot the items, dont throw them on the ground so it doesnt show on their goblin merchant. thats griefing for no reason

ilovewizard: oh yeah damood upload

shipso6116: DnD community continues to be creative, thank you for the showcase. Trap nerf incoming )).

Aug 17 2024

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