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These 12 CHANGES Should Be The Next Dark and Darker Update!

RazzleTheRed1: Thrust attacks can still phase through shields and the devs have known about it for years but said it's a "Low priority issue" and haven't done anything about it. Just let that sink in....

user-zl1vf4me1p: Idea: Make the fortune teller not dog crap by giving her a sellable item called the "Seer's Stone" that allows you to channel for 15 seconds to reveal a 2x2 area around you, or another one called the "Pathfinder Crystal" that allows you to channel for 10 seconds for it to reveal the position (or point at the direction) of the nearest extraction point (maybe add another higher quality that allows you to chose extraction types for crypts?)

Or even better allow players to loot the map from dead enemy players (5 seconds regular interaction speed) and take it as your own. This one would fit the game so much I don't even know why they didn't add it

DrewTheRotund: On the topic of skills, one thing I've been asking for as well is a skill which, when equipped, does absolutely nothing. It voids the skill slot it's placed in, but in exchange, you get to equip a 5th perk.

potatogobbler207: made a suggestion on making a perk for rouge simmilar to slayer in that it changes play style by giving more hp and weapon choices but hide is disabled making them more of a bandit archetype

cyruss2289: I love the ideas. I’ve played since beta test 2 and I think most of your points are spot on. Especially the Rogue tool wheel idea. Keep up the good work.

jakevaneperen8584: OMG YOU COOKED, it is so refreshing to finally see a player actually interested in the longevity of the game not just complaining about it. I think your ideas are amazing I hope they find there way directly to the hands of the developers. Beautiful video keep up the good work!

mrwiggles51: 2 things i would change about your changes

the throwing knifes and axes are like back step with a timer and individual charges like 20 sec

the hide is affected by light but it is a multiplier in full light you go hide for like 3 sec but in full dark it is like 20 sec or like a tick-down thing where the more light the faster you come out of hide.

carterfn5939: Revive is a great idea - crazy that you can win a fight but still have your teammates rage and be in tilt because they still lost their shit.

Every class should be able to revive and make it a long revive animation like cleric.

Maybe on cleric you can take the heart with the ability and revive in a safe location.

Or just going with a knocked system where you have to actually do a finisher animation before the teammate is fully dead and only revivable with the heart.

I like option 1 more tho

0xylophone: Rouge closing doors and making the next player have the lock pick animation sounds pretty fun. Would catch teams off guard and make me practice those timings

JakeSquatch: I don’t disagree with any of these takes

Isaax: Make it so that AP is rewarded more generously. Not necessarily by amount, but for example, if you get 4 kills, found lots of high tier treasure (didn't extract but found them), and explored a lot of the layers you've been to, then die to a 3rd party landmine rogue, you should still get all the AP you would've if you had extracted right then and there. The incentive to extract should be intrinsic, as in, you get to keep your kit and all the stuff you collected, it shouldn't be tied to AP. Make HR a low risk investment that only risks your kit and nothing else, so that people don't have to play the AP grind like scared little rats who take the nearest blue or red at any given opportunity

evzer2376: Really great video! Here’s what I think:

Endless Dungeon: I agree with you.

Inventory: I think you did a really great job explaining your point.

Throwables: Only if we have three spells, but why not?

Fog of War: Yeah, I think the game isn’t fun with this mechanic.

AP System: I think this part of the video shows how it would make more people fight instead of just farming AP.

Consumables: Yeah, I don’t see why not.

Rat: One of the only things that keeps me from going solo.

Rogue Tool Belt: Really great idea, but a few of your spells weren’t very "fun," like locking doors (but the idea of a throwing smoke is really appealing).

Reviving: I think reviving is just a pain for both the reviver and the dead player, just to get their stuff back.

Bows and Daggers: I don’t like this idea, but it’s possible I don’t have enough knowledge to see the benefits.

Cheaters: Luckily, I haven’t seen too many cheaters in Europe, but yeah, supporting Iron Mace against them is a good idea.

Lordsalamii: Love your idea about the rogue with hiding in the dark but then I was thinking the time it would take to black out certain rooms and then if they have a wizard with light orb it would make you 100% useless. I think maybe adding rogue gear that would "obscure" you more would be kinda cool

WizardJorg: i love these ideas you addressed and put effort into showing it to our community!

imspacedoutggs: Ah yes let me start my dungeon journey / adventure in a half cleared map, already looted chests in eye's view and dead mobs leading to open doors really creates... let's say atmosphere.


-grizzly-7862: remove longsword from sorc and warlock they have crystal sword maybe add a scimitar for sorc for the eastern image it has make it so that fighter is the owner of longsword and drop the damage on riposte by 1/3. also make it so that shriek of weakness doesnt effect bosses that would be a huge change to gameplay for me

lxvrain: imma rogue main, around 550 fame and i totally agree i also think the tool belt is one of the best rogue ideas ive heard in a while

BenLeeGaming: As a new player the fog of war increase would be huge.

I think the vision needs to be increased by 3-5x the size.

It is SO HARD to learn crypts...and with it being random it's really not fun at all.

Inferno with random and fog of war as it currently stands is horrible.

I also think the raids need to be about 10minis longer...especially since the endless system spawns you in with sometimes 3-4mins of the raid already missing...it doesn't feel right

PeTheKon: Well done, I felt like you could be my new best friend.. My 5 cents: revival: You shouldn't die right away, but be knocked down for 30-60s where your HP slowly depletes again and once you're out, you're dead and can be revived by a shrine / cleric. The drainage of the second life is stopped uppon a teammates attempt to wake you up. Regarding cheaters: Once you report somebody, the clip of your death should be available for reply and people can use voting buttons to say if it's sus or not. You should be able to play the clips while loading into games.

tommotard4484: left the game because of landmine rogues. Solo is unplayable or if u play it, it's stressfull 100%

cameronscoggins5398: I agree with most but like, I play barb, as from the video so do you, but from someone who is newer and plays more mostly the 224< or 1-24 franny axes are so needed, like from 1-24 and trying to play barb without lightfoot boots and no chestplate is the only way to catch lighter classes, without them barb players will just get ktied into oblivion and heavier fighter classes would just win cause light armor on boots and no chestplate. its just over without franny's

meetdonovanyang: 3rd skill set wa tight great idea. But the rouge idea was good too, but bad ideas as welll. What else can they do lol? Rogues needs a utility value like traps/team combos/smoke screen tool belt is great idea - send this video to the devs!

SUPDOZ: I'm interested in what you think about true damage, personally I feel like it's a flawed stat that incentivizes quick swinging weapons way too much and ruins the balance of the game at higher gear brackets.

sunshower6560: You need to be hired.

Mar 03 2025

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