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The Most Underrated Rogue Perk Dark and Darker

sabAAA69: Wdym underrated ahah, every rat are playing with this thing that is broken and unbalanced btw, maybe they should even add 3 ou 4 more invis to the Rogue, classic Ironmace L

magictrader999: Yami nooooo, every content creator is making creep rogue videos. You are aiding an epidemic. Also idk what "underrated" is supposed to mean. If you want the jump a player who is in a kit that costs more than 500 gold, you need creep.

picklechinahboy2369: creep is NOT underrated all the Chinese use it

tobiaslaw9325: why didnt you loot dimo he snags everyones loot when he kills em lmao

-Medley-: This why I stopped stream sniping partychip, too many sweats.

LGTXAZI4N: whos that smart intelligent man in the bottom left

soggygamer5165: Lmao underrated??????? Over used by every single rogue

bobguy7588: Didnt even check the cleric

theweeklynerd252: Not this right after repose’s video of the same topic

Odd.420: Does Yami stack his poison dmg?

IVameless: メガネ美少女左下しました

MrZami916: member when there were no footsteps on all classes? during multi class? i member

thedarkblitz: Chip is evil BRO, he is fokin evil, just dont play with him hahahaha

IjoyI: its completely silent even in solos

embodimentofgreatness5514: yami you are not cooking. creep is not good because rogue is not a stealth class anymore. stop perpetuating a myth, its damaging to the rogue community

Lacouturtle: Nerd

roonie34: this game is so poorly made. the amount of qol issues and just overall inefficiencies it is crazy like why why why couldn't this concept have been done by a dev team that has made a video game before. most if the issues with this game will never be fixed cause they're disguised as a feature in the "hardcore" game genre, its not hardcore the devs just have no clue wtf they're doing. Small one but why can i not buy more protection potions, why cant i buy unlimited throwables, why cant i sort my mfing stash!?!?!?!? like they get so much wrong before you even enter the dungeon what tf is the deal with that hire someone whos made a game menu before its not hard!

I strongly believe that they wont do a pve mode because it would expose just how lacking in content this game truly is.

another question why is the longsword/lantern shield the only weapons with cool other mechs the longsowrd one happens to be op and lame but only because other weapons dont have the same option of having a parry or riposte. Like there is a rapier but it cant do anything other than a lame 4 piece combo? dual wield weapons dont have combo attacks or combos together. its all very disappointing, even skyrim let you hold a charge attack down with both weapons. On that note no charge attacks? do the devs ever think of anything? you could probably come up with a better game balance/mechanisms from a notebook and a sesh in your buddies shed.

jbr6734: It’s not broken, the rogue is a stealth assassin character. The only other stealth buff they have (ambush) is garbage because anytime you pop it you get that conspicuous black mist around your character and it completely gives you away.

macca13245: Mr.Yami the Librarian, these book's are late but we can work something out...

Take off your glasses

coldcoder3138: Underrated? More like busted it should be deleted from the game.

insanemechanics5226: Potential damage rogue with this perks so low bro shit perk....

Feb 18 2025

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