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The Most Geared 1v1 in Dark and Darker History ft. Repoze

Repoze: friendly fella let me keep my items instead of griefing my portal :3

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antonyapostolov8252: Great video! Thanks for showing us both POVs, that was super interesting! Very clean plays from both players ending on a draw although we could consider you technically won over Repoze but decided like a chad to not grief the last portal

GoingBongusMode: warlock snoozefest

darkle.: i hate warlocks......

channic6047: this man is a true chad, not griefing the portal at the end and not complaining about it. the fight was amazing tho

BornToKill780: Two guys chasing each other around without actually fighting should b the title

Necrofire11: While I highly respect both players and their skill. This does nothing but continue to show me that warlock needs a change. The ability to do so much damage, kite away, full sustain, is just.....stupid imo. The hydra drain specifically is super dumb. It allows them to make mistakes that other players would perish for. And allows them to be extremely strong in every comp regardless of what build they play as well.

But this was an awesome fight. Respect for not griefing the portal!

blaksoulmc7863: Im glad i quit this game xD

May 30 2024

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