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The Class That Can 1v1 ANYONE in Dark and Darker


Golfeiy: Cleric was cringe af

dabthiirty3147: Goated for putting the gear/total kit prices after each kill

lumberd: Cleric was giving such pdfile energy its crazy

dootie3698: I always tell people who are farming ap , that if they don't get out of my sight after x seconds they are a threat.

people who stick around more than a second are looking for a window to kill

cause those who don't want to fight are gonna be running and not sticking around

Supanappa: People like that cleric are absolutely shameless. Will literally do anything for a win no matter how embarrassing or pathetic.

RainyGhxst: Cleric not only had the audacity to fake cry for his life, but to then shit talk you and act tough after barely getting a lucky hit from funny green slow perk. -10000000000 aura

vissandre3845: ay editor, showing item prices and total earnings when looting is really good cuh keep that shit going

Freyaundergrowth: I really like the prices after each kill thank you for taking the time to do that

dragonm586: I'm writing that cleric name down, hopefully you get your revenge on him one day or another !

petruradu7242: The cleric stripped all his dignity so he could get some meaningless loot

Aug 09 2024

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