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The BEST Trios PVP Spot Dark and Darker

bugstrung: Taking the static so luffy couldnt was cold

TheRealDa-xg7km: Who is this magnificently homemade scholar on the bottom left of my screen?

yayussy: FIRST to goon

thedarkblitz: holy shit Y4mi violated them,


Mini_Buju: Who is that sorcecer streamer lmfao he is kinda funny

EsotericCat: last fight was insane to watch

dylangutierrez7482: Taking static as a tactical play is wild tbh

TheGriff130: Really like both sides of that that was awesome

zbigniewboniek8332: title: best TRIOS pvp spot

map on thumbnail: SOLOS goblin caves

colde8516: i luv you

qzi9042: How do u get shard without soul collector wtf

Mooselad0394: I see Noonhae in the Gamba streams all the time

VeHo-u8q: Wait, video ended on a clip of yami NOT LOSING???

NINJAgamerpt: you are very good warlock ngl one of the only good NA warlocks.

hanspeter-du5bx: Its yami and the others xD

largershrimp: second to goon

TheGriff130: #1 place to lose your kit to a 5th party

Ajexious: Down voting for exploiting hotswaps.

edgy__: Gooner alert

Prideplays-cw9od: Hey Tony

finalboss88: only solo content pls

Feb 24 2025

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