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The BEST Survival Bow Ranger Build In Dark and Darker

Piercemxpx: I agree that chase is AMAZING & extremely underrated. I’m fine with people sleeping on it though, I’d rather the perk never get nerfed.

Summonick2: Resourcefulness gives cooldown reduction as well, about 1% per resourcefulness. Good for your ranger build.

Also your headshot perk is not useful for survival bow compared to the other options. It’s like 5 more damage on only a headshot, vs the other options.

Finally, bows work like franny axes, if you hold your shot for an extra second, it flies much more straight, which is useful sometimes

vowish5319: Bro u juggled that rogue in the air like its fuckin mortal kombat holy shit

billybobsy4869: Goodbye slayer fighter

vampirehippy8055: This kit cost, 3,324 gold. For some that might be a lot others that might be chump change, but it shows that you dont need 680105 gold to make a kit when others are making kits that are 10's of thousands an they die

Piercemxpx: I hate to say it Thelorr, but you may find that you really enjoy rogue if you give it a try… I know. It’s like saying you could like country music if you don’t like country music. But trust…

MrZami916: resourcefulness also increases your cooldown reduction! very underrated

syterious8726: Chase OP, don’t let them lie to you

Farmer_Rick_Ross: Is this going to be a ranger channel now

Jun 23 2024

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