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TBagger Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine Dark and Darker

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NihnjahX: I got caught in a situation recently. I have 15 hours in the game. So I avoid pvp at all costs, but when I do encounter another player, I crouch spam and pull out a torch or fists to show I'm friendly. Someone attacked me yesterday after I showed friendly. So I killed them, a Ranger. Right after I got done healing, I looted the body. Another player walked up while I was looting, I crouch spammed and pulled out a torch, and he said, "But you killed that guy, you're not friendly" and attacked me.

I absolutely understand the mix up. But he wouldn't even listen when I told him it was self-defense.

90% of players I've encountered as a new player have been fantastic. Crouch spam, pull out a torch, and if you hear them before they walk up, start saying in prox chat that you're friendly, and most of the time, they'll walk away or hang out and give tips to help the new players.

Jul 19 2024

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