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Summit1g is addicted to Dark and Darker...

Hau5mau5: You did him so dirty by changing his voice during the rant

nameisbad: doesn't matter the game, once summit loses to something, grab popcorn and watch him have a meltdown. top tier content.

ryankislingbury6599: bro needs a damn intervention

TheDazedCS: dude has an explosive bottle and doesnt throw it at a rat but a fighter lmao

gogeerah: thee only reason I still use twitch, love ya sum!

-ev1l562: Bro has developed Stockholm Syndrome from this game

Blink twice if you are in pain

The_ASMR_Listener: dark and darker gets my heart pumping more than any game. this game has potential to become even bigger

christianlandgrave5796: "the main dev must be a druid" Literally the main dev: "I'm only playing druid this season"

GrooveSpaceArk: If you had the explosive bottle during the druid fight you should have thrown it at his rat form.

Sir_Bratze: they just need to make it that druid can go rat for 3 seconds and a 20 second cooldown. boom done

Farmer_Rick_Ross: Bro is not complaining about chicken form

Aug 03 2024

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