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September Wipe Update from the Lead Developer Dark and Darker

bravo123345: they need to do the random dungeon thing, it would freshen up the game, even randomly placed traps. People need to stop W keying to spawns and respect and fear the dungeon.

thefrenchguy7983: that gem socket system sounds like the best scenario into the future

jaredh923: The three "religion" factions sound fun to me, i think it would be cool to have psedo-teammates randomly placed in dungeons. I also think an Onward style backpack system where you need to drop your backpack in order to fight properly would be quite neat

DonaldPrizwan: Arena being "self owned but no loss" well be an awesome pseudo goldsink as arena players will likely have expensive kits held in reserve that will be effectively removed from the market until 24 hours before wipe.

love it.

Brotection_: Whoever is trying to sue this wonderful company deserves.. um.. not the best things. Let's just say that.

ilovehighroller: Remove rolls on items and remove half your player base

BufeDoof: I LOVE how transparent SDF is. Jay is like “so how bout that water map

kooskoning27: wipe hype

Sparkykawa: I’m ready to donate all my gold to the Church of the Lizard. I will humbly accept the title of Lizard Pope.

5amura115: I'm hype for the new guys to get to play ruins. Can't wait to see what they changed about it. Let's go!

maverick9312: Test server has been available to all paid players for quite some time now. As soon as "Legendary status" was created, test server access was given to all players

DaDinkler: The new matchmaking system is probably good for the game but I can't help but feel some of the soul will be lost. Lots of fun stuff happens in the pregame lobby and seeing those same people in game is great.

averyyeen: The idea that I can be a gambling khajiit in the near future makes me hype for the future of this game

crossc1988: FYI, "Crow-Man/Crow-human hybrid" is called a Kenku in D&D.

Aug 02 2024

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