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Rogue is a Very WEAK Class Dark and Darker

devol3829: Rogue op:
dies to bola.
yournostromo7421: The PvP can be so mid in this game with all of the random buffing and nerfing of classes. I stay for the PvE with drunk friends
travix7454: rogue just gets gutted once a season at this point i dont even play anymore
tymulder4797: Plays rogue in trios
Takes best clips from hours of gameplay
Then says rogue is Op
Lmao almost fooled us brother GG
Headcatcher10: >Rogue is a Very "WEAK" Class
>Shows the most dogshit rogue gameplay ever witnessed
what did he mean by this?
dtmurray4: This is some pretty weak gameplay Jay. Feels like you were okay with uploading anything.
SamJonesNW: Bro in a few of those clips you literally just let your team die as you run away after getting hit once and losing 50-70% of your HP. Then you spend the next 45 seconds healing while your team 2v3s only to go back in and do the same thing.

It's got a tonne of damage, nobody is saying it doesn't. At the high end it's a great class for damage and movespeed, especially solo. But in team fights, it's a useless piece of garbage 80% of the time as it just hides and let's other, better classes fight it out.

You're also one of the best players in the game. Of course you can make it look good. But it doesn't change the fact that it's an extremely situational class, that requires good positional plays to make it useful. And even then, it's a ball-hog class -> it's a "look at me, I'm gonna not help my team cause i cant or i might die, but I can probably kill someone after they all die and are spectating me so they can watch it happen" class.

I'm not saying that is what happened in this clips per se, I'm saying that's what usually happens to the average playing playing this class. Barb is also a "look at me" class, but at least it can run in a fight and be one of the last ones standing without spending 80% of the fight in a corner using bandages like they are going out of style.
TailPress09: Not sure I saw a single Rogue moment where I thought "wow that's strong". Actually quite the opposite! Having to run from Warlocks and Wizards while in melee range as the anti mage class is so telling. Glad I stopped playing this game.
ptrYouTube: 1. He was fighting timmies without gear while abusing 124 gs
2. Was able to kill only squishy, unaware players, he must run away from fighters and barbarians
2. He plays this game 24/7/365 so he doesn't represent skill level of average player
3. Enemies without headphones ( they always knew about the rogue, but they did everything to get killed as easily as possible )
4. NA region
5. none of the wizards use lightorbs to completely eliminate the rogues' stealth because they don't want to WASTE 1 spell slot out of 5 or even 10 while rogue can pick only one SKILL if hes using hide
5. Died to fighter as he had no weakpoint (unfortunately as a rogue you have to choose between rupture, cuthroat or weakpoint - cutthroat is better for killing wizards, weakpoint helps with PDR fighters and rupture is just 20dmg over 5 seconds so something like 4dmg per second (so its even worse than one wizard's zap) while a wizard can just throw a fireballs (1 fb direct does more than half hp to nearly every class and if u manage to direct headshot u can even 1 tap someone) at everyone and can throw four of them in 5seconds, as a rogue if you make a mistake with your skill you have to wait for cooldown to end which in most of the times ends with your teammates being dead as they need to 2v3)
6. Nearly got one shoted by mob (normal goblin takes half of your hp if he hit you and that can be very unlucky for you to get hitted mid fight or when you are running away with low hp)
7. 30% video rogue gameplay, 70% video wizard gameplay
8. Jay played pickpocket rogue 80% of his rogue carrier because its more viable way of getting loot out of enemy (jk and not kidding at the same time)

Rogue IS WEAK even when played by a top tier player as he must commit to melee fights with low hp/pdr/mdr/dmg only with the help of hide which only works on timmies.
btw barbarian can be as fast as rogue if hes using rage skill and is wearing lightfoot boots and loose trousers, fighter also can catch up easly with sprint skill so its very hard to kait them, also fighter has a fucking bow and 60% pdr so good luck kaiting this beast in this patch.
Sorry for my english and im sorry for rogue mains as they are constantly being rekt by every class.
BTW druid instant shapeshift and jump tech is getting out of control meanwhile rogue received few nerfs xd
vultrex1839: Rogue mains are seething in the comments

Oct 08 2024

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