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thordoo3047: Oh no, here come the army of Rogues again.

TheDantsu: Devs let warlocks turn into Diablo himself. What do rogues get? Best I can do is a handful of caltrops, bro.

ThripGargle: The most important part of a rogue build is unresolved childhood trauma and a willingness to both inflict and sustain incredible amounts of pain.

also indigo roger has been coming over for sleepovers a lot but mom says I don’t have to call him dad if I don’t want to.

1LotusNoir: I finally decided after days oh hestitation to make rogue my main for this wipe, searched a recent guide to refresh how to gear him, litteraly a Repoze guide posted 30mn ago.

So thanks Repoze to make it especially for me

supremetravie: The runescape music is unmatched

GandhiTheJanitor: I wont lie, your old zero to hero (with commentary) series really helped out on understanding the playstyle of rogue and how to out-play hard fights, alot of new players may benefit from it more than you think as it covers alot of bases. That and I guess I just miss those from you!

SNUSNU4U: Remember kids: you can build a rogue all you want. You will NEVER stat-check any other class in the game (unless they are wizard, the dead class no one plays.)

You need to be perfect at the setup. Turn lights out. Creep is the most important perk you have that no other class has. You can literally follow someone without them knowing. Wait to attack when they are on top of you. Sometimes they will be inside a chest, or fighting a mob. You need to use these chances as an opportunity. Rogue is BAD without the element of surprise. You WILL die in 2-4 melee hits, since rogue bis kits have 0 hp. If they are expecting the attack, or you fail in the setup, just run away and try again.

IndicatedGoodLife: Many thanks to this. I just felt a little lost on rogue this season. This helped me alot.

DankManPlays: What you're missing is pre-teaming and getting gear from fans

mistahoody: Generally you wanna be rocking a 20k gold kit

Jun 26 2024

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