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Normal Lobby PVP Is Full of Geared Players Gambling 6k Gold Goblin Merchant Dark and Darker

Mm-dn5gc: The gear score matchmaking is good in normals, 1-24, 25-124, and 125 . U can choose what kind of people u are going to find and i think pvp is just more comfortable when mobs arent an absolute menace since there is no arena mode and people just want to whack each other with sticks, hence why most go to normals.

Also worth mentioning is the steam release. The free game only allows normals, so there was a massive influx of new players hitting normals only. Game learning curve can be harsh so they wont be joining HR as much even after buying the game.

Juuhjooh: i gued with my friend into normal GC duos, we killed guys who had 20k kits each with our 400g kits. I enjoy these lobbies

augustobromeo: I heard there's three tiers:

1. Lower than 25

2. 25 to 125 (something like that)

3. 125 and above

partychip: me when iron mace makes me pay 100g to fight mobs that are harder to kill and players with no gear and i waste 5-15 minutes of my time depending on if i miss the elevator or not

original_numbskull9307: Just watching the start of your video; the rumour about the unconfirmed gear cap has been proven via datamining. There is another normals gear level, between 25 and 124 gear score. It is not mentioned in patch notes or in-game.

sauronstea1758: this is exactly what happened before gear caps and before normals, high roller is the low risk high reward gold farming mode for people who just want to grind out gear and treasure, and low roller is the mode for juicers who want pvp with the upside of occasionally running into an easy fight against a timmy who doesn't know any better and assumes normals is the easy lobbies

bobaorc7839: Juicers in normal lobbies are giving me Dark Souls 1 Twink vibes. They're not interested in PVP. They're interested in shitting on new/unprepared players. Thank you for stripping them of their gear.

f.kproductions3155: There is a 25-124 gs lobby so you won’t get juicers till after that

jackothegunn2980: f2p players can't play high roller... so if u think it is wise for u to farm these timmys, you are probably hurting the game for these people.

ALLinDRAMA: Do people really dont get it why most people play super geared on normals? most of these geared players didn't buy the game, so that's their only option.

Jul 09 2024

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