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No Spell DemonLock With Druid is INSANE! Dark and Darker

JarPapa: Yeahhhhhh support Druid is absolutely insane now

agrocreepers: i didnt consider the new perk in duos with warlock

tombofthememelich2192: Here is a little creative writing inspired by this duo comp: A mighty jungle stands upon far shores, overflowing with primordial life forces from before the first human drew breath. Its depths remain uncharted for the prejudice of this forest resists the intrusion of all sentient life. Centuries ago the Arcane Brotherhood used their arts to detect that a great rift between the Hells and this plane had opened in the heart of the jungle. The Brotherhood feared that the Jungle would be eaten from within by the vile forces as had happened with so many other islands and continents where the Order of Light had no foothold, but it was not to be. The Order tried to forge a path to the rift, but the Jungle resisted... Though no mortal knew it, the Demons tried to devour all that walked, crawled, flew, and took root, but the Jungle resisted... slowly a change began to take hold... It is not known if the Jungle was corrupted by the fell energies or if the living organisms themselves had taken root in the Demons. The beasts of the wood grew to misshapen and unnatural size. The few demons that were sighted on the coast had fur and twisting antlers. Leaves sprouted from them and moss trailed from the tops of their wings. The trees began to sway and move with malevolent purpose... Now only the vast ocean protects humanity from complete and total destruction!

kronoscapes806: It's not part of the build of this video, but I need to ask. I've been struggling to understand the difference between using a staff or a crystal sword when using BoC (thinking of a hybrid BoC/Caster warlock)...

SamHeartsHalo: As a druid has been focusing healing before this even, none of my teammates play plate lock T.T

Devildog0491: Guess its time to finally duo

ArkiShino: W support druid

TheArcticBearboss: Absolutely disgusting build idea and application. People forget how much of a menace demon form can be, because it's not as viable in solos. With the right support from teammates it is one of the scariest threats in the game

Piercemxpx: A hot not a dot. Great video chief!

luminite1633: What if you ran barbarian with potion chugger and full mag heal gear with this, you could stack trolls blood and regular heal pot and stack buff duration, that would be insane in theory

stigionblu: I am aware that the blood pact druid combo is incredible for a buffball but I just dislike demon armour builds for warlock because warlock is such a stat hungry class and if you go for full stats your usually very slow

shaddish: Damn I wanna play HR in a comp with this build!

ratmanwarhammer: When I learned about lifebloom aura i was hoping you would make a demon form vid

p3tro2: Absolutely COOKING with this one brother

DoinMyBest4Ever: Warlocks dont need sleep, just support. W streamer, W teammate

momoyawn: Warlock Playable via druid buffs lets fucking go

bolenarrow9286: Famine buff duration barbarian about to be peak menace with a Druid and bard or wiz

xbox_crusading69420: why does people forget that demonlock has dark bolt

CesarArma: What an Apocalyptic build

fatestblunt6614: Keep da cooking wit warlock up

oazieparzival_exb828: I think u played it a lil too passive. U could’ve gone for more like the Druid and fighter kit mid video

vladimiroancea7672: Omg he's imortal only instakill barbarian could kill him 186 maximum dmg minimum 18r

cadenmalvaney3948: me and my buddy discovered this but instead of me on warlock, im on crystal sword fighter with hella will and i stacked buff duration so everything lasts so long on me as well as second wind, im not sure how it compares with warlock tho, maybe better?

Jan 24 2025

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