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New Patch Rogue is Extremely Broken Most OP Class Dark and Darker

2010thurley: Day 59- Play Wizard!

sheepbleat6556: It seems like everything you play and every video you have... Everything is "broken" or "OP".

H4WKtsbg: Day 1 - Play Shotgun Ranger!

mattknott-m6d: love the wideos, keep up the great work dimo!!

ozylocz4078: Day 60 don’t play wizard

CullenMF: DIMO. Every class is broken when you have a 4k gold kit

shaboingboing799: He'll look into my eyes and see

Piercemxpx: Most classes are a rogues counter, but I wouldn’t say barb is the worst. Most of the time they have a zwei in solos & you can easily stab them in a door way with a quick turn around. They usually don’t see it coming & when they swing, they will usually hit the wall or you can use the left corner to make it impossible to hit you.

By that point, they should be pretty shredded & you can crossbow then throwing knife them with pressure

stoyanzdravkov3487: Your parasite word: “hommie” probably said it around 100 times in this video lol

GaryBigtoes: Most fun way to play (in my opinion ofc) is playing solo, pvp rogue in trio lobbies. You have to play so strategically to do well. It's very satisfying when you win the 1v3s (even if its solely because of good timing & use of environment)

zam5824: bro just learned the word homie like fuck say it some more please

Jul 23 2024

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