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New Patch Most Broken Solo Barb Build After Nerfs Dark and Darker

EnragedToasters: Wilson watching with his nose on the screen rn

2010thurley: Day 86- Play Wizard!

jalathegreat7277: i love how the chicken wanted 0 smoke but was doing a decent chunk of dmg as chicken haha

hdrag9: I kind of thought that chicken was going to cook him. Wideo complete.

user-go3zk: how is that chicken doing so much damage lmfao

XenoDeki: Shoutout to my boy Wilsongames for getting cooked on multiple occasions.

ballsayko909: Wilson definitely trying to investigate this video so hard to save himself now and come up with more bs

chucknorris5476: Glad you’re back to making videos bud

mistermuzan5867: Wilson: This frame... GUYS ITS CHEATING ITS CHEATING!

st0neofthebone: He's the Chicken of the Neighborhood

Froy_Oi: So Iron Mace nerfed Bardiche because it was cheap and barbarians were using it super effectively, so they nerfed it for everyone else but barbs?

Aug 17 2024

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