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New Patch Fighter Got A Huge MASSIVE BUFF! Extreme PDR MOVE SPEED Dark and Darker

monkechimp6953: gotta put ts on "not interested" cause dude cant find a way to not put the word broken or overpowered in every title, kind of tragic

Decaposaurus: You, Firebox, and thelorr are my three go to D&D Youtubers. Mainly because all three of you are very well experienced, but also have varying viewpoints on builds and their uses. It still is kinda interesting that the 3 of you have different viewpoints on certain things. I'd like to see a collab with you all one day. You all as a team in trios would be unstoppable I think.

GazohYEH: ' We gave him a clean buzzcut ' bro

WolfHreda: I was so mad last night, Dimo. I've killed a Bard and Ranger for that quest. I killed a Warlock for the other quest. And I almost had a Wizard kill in the big spider room in Goblin Caves. And a fuckin' Spider Mummy stole the kill.

WilsonsGame: Would love to see the buying process. Some of those rings and hounskull roles, its gotta be pricy. If this is now considered cheap/budget then what the heck is everyone else running in those raids ? Extreme budget I suppose.

FreedomAtlastofficial: I was the barb that you destroyed in the 1v1, thanks for the fight! Next time I’ll do more than 5% of your health lmao

shaboingboing799: I'm guessing 297

shaboingboing799: I'm salivating

matthew4107: 297, a plate warlock with whites goes 278 with some white lightfoots no jewelleryand plate, fighter has all the buffs to plate. - hey i was pretty damn close xD

Jul 29 2024

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