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New Patch Barbarian is in Extremely Bad Shape The Worst Class Dark and Darker

markeloffpk6062: i hope bard gets nerfed at somepoint it's ridiculous how strong they are in solo's they can easily get 165 hp with 40% pdr with an attack speed faster and harder than rogue and more reach as the main weapon is rapier on top of that solid MS and able to kite you to infinity with that machine gun survival bow

user-pj8sg2jt4j: At this point Barb is IQ check, if yours enemies are dumber than you - EZ win. If they are smarter, well you can try to run away(alt f4 is actually faster tho)

bigtopjoeybananas: Thanks for the wideo

frankauc6023: Spellcharges on warlock would fix alot of things. Would stop the spam with no downtime or penalty whatsoever. The healing is fine, hydra is a cool spell, but it makes no sense how warlock is the only caster with no spellcharges

timothycalco8089: wonder if the randoms talking about how barb is crazy powerful que normals sub 25 gear score

NathanPringle-se6nj: barb is still actually amazing ive been getting 5 kills every game ive killed plate fighters magic damage warlocks druids everyone lol i havent died one time today

jasonyun1158: I’m a Timmy, I find this game super fun, but for the last few days, fighting against 3 warlocks in most geared norms/Hr trios is not it man… I’m sure it’s more frustrating cause I’m new and bad and have no idea how to counter it, but playing as a pdr fighter and barb, this shit is boring


mikastroobandt9561: barbarian together strong use the skinny pete build if needed

fitchy9924: I've been decimating with barb this entire wipe

sethrusso45: Soooo glad I came back to DnD (Barb main too) just to see we got nerfed :( I can’t even catch up to anyone it sucks

Jun 25 2024

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