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NEW Life Drain Warlock is NOT Balanced in Dark and Darker

diegoley7700: Seems completely fair and balanced to me, maybe with this small buff people will start playing this dead class

SNChalmerstv: The titles and thumbnails have gotten to OnePeg levels of clickbait

sordmasta6646: as if locks needed more self heal.

whats next, halve the cooldown on ghost form?

vowish5319: Someone took yamis chest piece off to res him and he forgot to put it back on irl

survivearchive: Yeah its great till a ranger 1 taps u with a windlass.

SNUSNU4U: All the new players are getting their first taste of the bizarre and obscene balance decisions that IM killed the original community with over the last year. Hopefully they don't blow through this next 50k so quickly.

ericmicloven246: That play on the Barbarian was insane.

danielmezei8472: I get why people are mad, cuz the last thing warlock needed was a buff, but the lifedrain thing is nothing but convenience, i have been running TM lifedrain for the last 2 wipes and it always worked perfectly fine, even in this wipe before the buff. It's more convenient since you don't need to curse your hydra to get full but that's what like 1 second if you have a half decent casting time. On pure lifedrain warlock it is the same thing you have higher knowledge so you just cast another lifedrain for 2 ticks, which i'll admit does take a bit of important time. But i really do believe the problem will be with the kris dagger demonlocks who can use potions and troll's blood to never leave demon mode

mochacoffeetea9717: This is how it was before damage nerfs

DaKingof: Literally what I imagined after reading the patch notes. What are they thinking?????

Jun 24 2024

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