sethlaurie8726: put the name of the game in the title wtf
(I see that he added the name of the game)
bigfungus4203: Name of the game is The midnight walkers
pepinillorick5741: Another copy doomed to dissapear
SkyLiNe-mo1pw: you should change your name in Dimo - clickbait
PolarrsX: ngl the names have me dead asf. this game looks pretty nice
bryanleelazarovazquez302: Dark and darker new update kinda fire
Ninjoth: Game could be so good. I feel like there's a problem with the new player experience, zombies holding you, and class diff. Why does bartender got to play a mini-game while taking their hand off their mouse or movement just to not be able to attack after that confusion? I think the class could be so good if you could change the binds for that ability or just have it be more simple. I see it being like Bard, but way more skill-gap. Bow guy kills any noob cause meds are hard to find. Haven't played enough to know about others much, but I played Barb or whatever it's called and that was broken.
yungbobross6418: And the barb class is clearly broken! Wow surely this game won’t die in a month once people realize only one class is viable in PvP.
Dan-iw4op: Whats the name of the game?
bigfungus4203: Game have a lot of potential but the Pve look not super fun. I think i will way futher playtest
xAl3216: Looks lame as hell plz uninstall it and play the real dark and darker
rh7474: To be honest that UI looks like more of a copy of Dungeonborne that's kind of concerning
Maj_hul: its another jank copy pasta but its kinda fun too lol
stavt134: Wish my pc wasent a potato and i could play that
tombofthememelich2192: Multiclassing when? xD
Drathrin: Can everyone here with Nvidia Geforce Now please go and recommend this game to be added? Would be awesome
jarmuzz: Can you hot swap weapons in that game too
l0sttacticz104: lmao i saw alpha playtest request access was like eh this gonna take a week minimum maybe a month to get in soon as i hit request access i got in xD
janesaroma: Is this sponsored? lol
Should be Dimo, you're the best :)
ThatZeyrox: whos this nerd in the bottom left
Itachii95: game name?
conquer535: Didn't even mention the name of the game smh
heikocaiko7035: I tried it before on its previous play test, the pve combat was meh as for pvp barely found any
ghastly8192: Bro i remember you trash talking dimo for having trash content bt you can't even put the name of the game in the title
MacBaza: Doesn't Dark and Darker have zombies already? And mummies
Mar 03 2025